Sunday, 2 June 2013

Productive / Destructive (Saturday)

An unexpectedly productive/destructive weekend. I was not sure at the beginning of this weekend what I was going to try and get done. So Saturday morning I set about removing the high cupboard in the second bedroom, and over the course of the weekend more and more was done. On Saturday afternoon I settled on trying to have the corridor walls removed by the end of the weekend.

This plan was good because it meant that I could put off the arduous task of capping off and removing the radiator that is currently on the second bedroom side of the remaining dividing wall.

Anyway, I started by just unscrewing the high cupboard over the entry to the second bedroom and taking off the two bedroom doors.

As I was doing this two things happened, the first was that the wall paper started to peel off along with the wood. A good thing as I am planning to remove it all anyway. And the second was that Will, a friend from work, arrived armed with a drill. This accelerated things considerably.

Early in the afternoon we made a supplies trip to B&Q and I ended up buying an additional drill, now adding to a ridiculous collection that I have strewn across the country. After lunch I continued on removing the hall cupboard while Will set to work on the plasterboard in that bedroom corridor area.

By the end of Saturday I had got through and opened up an old opening through into the first bedroom where the cupboards had been and will had stripped one side of the second bedroom corridor wall of its plasterboard.

This neatly brought a close to Saturday and was a good place to stop.

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